Greetings & Welcome!

If you are on this page, you are probably a fellow shooter and firearm enthusiast or you probably may just like our designs, regardless, thank you for visiting our online store.

Dead Eye Designs (DED) is a premium lifestyle and technical apparel brand for the MARKSMAN. We design and manufacture products inspired by practical and tactical shooting for our fellow gun owners and enthusiasts. 

We take inspiration from what we see around us and transform them into products that show off and support our lifestyle. Shooters that see our shirt designs just "get it". They then start to appreciate the quality of construction and technology that we put into our products.

Our mission, which we have chosen wholeheartedly to accept is:

  1. To provide the highest quality products to our customer
  2. To provide products that meet the demands of shooting 
  3. To provide products that can be a source of confidence, pride and enjoyment for the shooter

Our design distribution center is located in Las Vegas, Nevada and we are registered LLC in California, We use local and imported materials for our designs and products. We standby our products and will always maintain high quality standards and have the best warranty and guarantee in the industry.

Please take time to browse thru our store. Our designs are expressed in various ways such as:

  • T-shirts
  • Stickers
  • Wall Art
  • Pistol and Rifle Cases
  • Other Merchandise

If you have may have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at

Joe Bailey Guerrero


DEAD EYE DESIGNS is an e-commerce venture owned and operated by RANDOM MERCHANDISE MANUFACTURING LLC.